Kommentar |
Content/Scope: B1.1 provides highly specialised knowledge into concepts and frameworks that aim at defining global environmental challenges, human impact and possible responses (e.g., SDGs, Planetary Boundaries, System Thinking). Students will present the concepts and frameworks selected by the lecturers at beginning of the course. In group discussions, students and lecturers discuss the history, creation, scope and possible applications of concepts and frameworks.
Course procedures: In each session, students prepare a presentation (≈ 20 minutes) based on the given literature, moderate a discussion/group work: This activity should connect scientific evidence about environmental challenges and human-environment interactions to the challenges of disseminat-ing such findings into society (≈ 50 minutes). Eventually, results of the activity will be presented by participants (≈ 20 minutes).
Exam (combined portfolio): Term paper (approx. 20 pages) in B1.1 or B1.2. The term paper should demonstrate the ability to conduct an interdisciplinary analysis of a global environmental challenge, in-tegrating perspectives from the natural and environmental sciences, as well as social sciences and psy-chology. Evaluation will focus on the quality of additional literature research, disciplinary adequacy, in-terdisciplinary integration, depth of analytical discussion, and overall precision of the presentation (see grading scheme in Olat).
Access to materials in Olat: tba |