Independent Studies II (BEd, Modul 7.4 / 2-Fach-BA, Modul 6.4)
Credits: 4 CP (= 120h)
Beschreibung (s. Modulhandbuch): selbstständiges Erarbeiten eines gewählten Forschungsgebietes in Abstimmung mit und unter individueller Begleitung durch eine Dozentin / einen Dozenten zur gezielten Vorbereitung auf das Schreiben einer BA-Arbeit. Das Thema ist so zu wählen, dass es nicht in der Disziplin liegt (Fachdidaktik, Literatur-, Kultur- oder Sprachwissenschaft), in der die BA-Arbeit im Fach Anglistik verfasst wird.
Leistungsnachweis (s. Modulhandbuch): Vorlage einer annotierten Lektüreliste (Umfang 800 Seiten Lektüre) mit abgeleiteten Forschungsthesen sowie einer ausformulierten Einführung (Bewertungsbasis „bestanden/nicht bestanden“, ohne Benotung).
Design and objectives of the course
In this self-study course, the students go through the steps to be taken in preparation of a BA-thesis prior to its actual writing. The entire process is guided by a lecturer who will give continuous feedback on these individual steps. First, the students select a topic from a sub-discipline (Literary Studies, Cultural Studies, Linguistics, TEFL) other than the one in which they wish to write their BA-thesis (if they intend to write their BA thesis in Fach Anglistik). Then they approach one of the lecturers who will be their mentor for Independent Studies II. The entire process of designing and conceptualising the project is documented in a portfolio. The portfolio contains the following elements:
(1) A paragraph (6-8 sentences) succinctly presenting the topic of the study.
(2) A paragraph (6-8 sentences) presenting the specific research question(s) of the study. Ideally, give 1-2 concise thesis statements presenting the main points addressed or claims made in the study.
(3) A passage (8-10 sentences) outlining the methodology used in the study and the material that is analysed (e.g. a questionnaire survey, analysis of newspaper articles, corpus analysis), including an explanation of why this specific methodology is chosen.
(4) A paragraph (6-8 sentences) stating the theoretical framework/background of the study (i.e. a specific theoretical approach in literary studies, cultural studies, linguistics, TEFL).
(5) The TOC (table of contents).
(6) The introductory section of the paper (400 words, based on 1-5 above).
(7) An annotated bibliography with references to journal articles, book chapters, etc. (representing a reading load of about 800 pages). The annotations (short abstracts of about 150 words each) should highlight the concepts and methods from the respective references that are central to the study devised by the student. I.e., the student reads and presents the literature from the perspective of the study they have in mind.
These elements are discussed with the mentor in two meetings. The portfolio is the basis for the assessment (pass/fail) by the lecturer/mentor. |