In this course we will cover a selection of British children's literature and young adult fiction from the Victorian Era to the present day. During this course we will familiarise ourselves with key concepts and developments in children's literature, taking into consideration specific historical influences like Romanticism as well as the rise of fantasy literature and crossover fiction.
Our goal is to develop an informed point of view on childhood as a construct and children's literature as a nuanced and varied field with great potential for the EFL classroom.
In our seminar we will be reading and discussing excerpts from:
Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1865), J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit (1937), C.S. Lewis' The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe (1950), Philip Pulman's Northern Lights (1995) and Jacqueline Wilson's Double Act (1995) to name a few.
All reading material for the class will be provided digitally.
PLEASE NOTE: there are two Children's Lit and YAF groups, one covering (British) Children's Literature and YAF (10:15-11:45) for Module 4.1 , and one covering (Anglo-American) Children's Literature and YAF (14:15-15:45) for Module 4.2.
Students may not register for both (!) groups. You are allowed to combine one regular survey course and one children's lit and YAF course.
For example:
British Children's Lit. (M 4.1) and US Survey (M 4.2) OR
US Children's Lit. (M 4.2) and British Survey (M 4.1)