Literatur |
Mandatory puchases (no ebooks!):
- Alison Bechdel, Fun Home (2006), ISBN 978-0618871711
- David Small, Stitches (2009), ISBN 978-0393338966
- Derf Backderf, My Friend Dahmer (2012), ISBN 978-3987211515
- Maia Kobabe, Gender Queer (2019). ISBN 978-1549304002
- Zoe Thorogood, It's Lonely at the Center of the Earth (2022), ISBN 978-1534323865
Your teacher will refer exclusively to the hard copies of these books, therefore (and for several other advantages of hard copies), it is strongly recommended to buy no ebooks.
Narratologic/semiotic critical approach:
Achim Hescher, Reading Graphic Novels (2016), to be had in ebook form through our university library. |