Module 3 (B.Ed.)
M 3.1 (The Structure of English) and M 3.2 (Sociophonetics and Sociolinguistics) are offered in a joint structure, alternating weekly, i.e. there is a Structure-of-English week followed by a Sociolinguistics week, and so forth. Both parts comprise:
- an asychronous lecture component (OLAT) consisting of lecture videos and required readings (for all groups),
- a F2F seminar component targeted at the respective degree programmes, e.g. B.Ed. primary school, B.Ed. secondary school.
Please make sure you sign up for the relevant course.
The lecture component consists of video lectures on the individual topics as well as required readings (available on OLAT). The topic of a video lecture will be discussed and applied in the seminar component in smaller groups. There are five seminar groups, three directed at Grundschule/Förderschule and two at Gymnasium/Realschule/Förderschule, addressing and catering for issues specific to the different school types.
▪ Do I have to attend both courses, i.e. “The Structure of English” and “Sociolinguistics”, within the same semester? > No, you don’t necessarily have to attend both courses within the same semester (e.g. if you have a timetable clash), but it is still recommendable because (i) the contents of the two courses relate to each other to some extent, and (ii) the final exam (Modulprüfung) is a joint exam comprising questions on “Structure” and “Sociolinguistics” topics. ▪ Can I take the two exams separately? > This is not possible because the Prüfungsordnung clearly states that the M3 final exam has to be a Modulprüfung, NOT a Modulteilprüfung. ▪ If I intend to become a primary school teacher, could I still take the seminar component targeted at prospective secondary school teachers in the case of a timetable clash (and vice versa)? > Since we are going to analyse age-specific texts (e.g. children’s books, textbooks, workbooks) in the respective seminar components, it is highly recommended that you attend the seminar component addressing your future student clientele. ▪ I am enrolled in an education programme for students with special needs. Should I take the primary school or secondary school course? > This is entirely up to you. You should make it dependent on the age group you are intending to work with later on and the kind of special educational needs you are planning to specialize in (e.g. cognitive impairments, emotional/behavioural impairments, learning disabilities, speech impairments, neurological and physiological impairments).
Module 1.2 (Zwei-Fach-B.A.)
B.A. students have a choice between “The Structure of English” and “Sociolinguistics”. The M1.2 Modulteilprüfung is only a 60-minute exam. On the day of the exam, you can decide whether to write the “Structure” exam or the “Sociolinguistics” exam.
▪ Can I still take both courses and get the second course accredited for a different module? > Yes, you can. We would even encourage you to attend both courses and to get one of them accredited for one of the Wahlpflichtmodule, i.e. Module 5 or Module 6. ▪ As a Zwei-Fach-B.A. student, should I attend the seminar components tailored to the needs of prospective primary school teachers or prospective secondary school teachers? > You’re at liberty to choose the seminar components that suit your interests (and timetable) best. While the primary school groups will focus more on oracy-related issues and skills, the secondary school groups will concentrate more on textual analysis. |