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Vst.-Nr. Veranstaltung Vst.-Art Aktion
6202 Introduction to English Literature and Literary Theory (Modul 1, 1.2 und Zwei-Fach-Bachelor Modul 2, 2.1)   -   Dr. Hansen Vorlesung/Seminar
6209 A Survey of Literature I: British Survey (Modul 4, 4.1 und für Zwei-Fach-Bachelor Modul 2.2)   -   Prof. Dr. Butter Noor Seminar
6212 A Survey of Literature II American Literature (Modul 4, 4.2 und Zwei-Fach-Bachelor, Modul 2.2)   -   Dr. Akad. Direktor Hescher Seminar
6214 Recent American Poetry (Modul 8, 8.2)   -   Dr. Akad. Direktor Hescher Seminar
6215 American Short Fiction (Modul 6, 6.2 / 6.5 und Zwei-Fach-BA Modul 5/6)   -   Dr. Akad. Direktor Hescher Seminar
6216 Survey I: Children's Literature and Young Adult Fiction (Modul 4, 4.1 nur für LA Grund- und Förderschule)   -   Hasa Seminar
6219 Science Fiction and the Environment (Modul 6, 6.2 / 6.5 und Zwei-Fach-BA Modul 5/6)   -   Noor Seminar
6220 Literary Theory and Criticism (Modul 12, 12.1)   -   Prof. Dr. Butter Seminar
6223 Reading Theory: Kolloquium für fortgeschrittene Masterstudierende, Doktoranden und Postdoktoranden   -   Prof. Dr. Butter Kolloquium
6224 Survey of Literature II: Children's Literature and Young Adult Fiction (Modul 4.2)   -   Hasa Seminar
6232 Literature (Modul 11, 11.1): Figurations of Otherness in British and American Romanticism   -   Dr. Hansen Seminar
6239 Luxury in Contemporary Literature (Modul 13, 13.2 )   -   Prof. Dr. Butter Seminar