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Mein Studienbuch WiSe 2024/25

1. Fachsemester

Nummer Veranstaltung Status
121080 Modulprüfung B1
267080 Modulprüfung SÖU7
71250010 Advanced Environmental Chemistry
71250010 B2/ETX3a Tools for univariate data analysis
71250011 Tutorial for Advanced Environmental Chemistry
71250020 B2/ETX3b Tools for multivariate data analysis
71260010 Ecoregions and land use (Spezielle Physische Geographie)
71270021 B4b/M13.2 Anthropogenic Ecosystems
71290010 B5/SÖUEa Environmental and Resource Economics
71290020 B5/SÖUEb Special topics in environmental economics
71370020 Environmental Chemistry Lab Course: Advanced
71440010 Project Seminar Geoecology
71570011 Environmental Chemistry Lab Course: Basic
71999002 ETX2a Aquatic Ecotoxicology - Principles of Ecotoxicology
71999013 Tutorial: Mastering Environmental Sciences
72130020 NABIb Arten-, Biotop- und Landschaftsschutz
73060010 Grundlagen der Physikalischen Chemie - Mathematische und Physikalische Grundlagen
73060020 Grundlagen der Physikalischen Chemie - Grundlagen der chemischen Thermodynamik
74100030 Geographie Feldstudien (Humangeographie) mit Begleitseminar
75150020 B1b Sustainability and Global Change
82022 Aktuelle Themen der Umweltkommunikationsforschung (BM2 KW; SÖU 6)
851801 23_M.R.1 / SÖU8a / R1.1 Vorlesung / Lecture Environmental Psychology
851802 23_M.R.2 Seminar Environmental Psychology / SÖU 8b Seminar Environmental Psychology
M13.1 Biologisches Kolloquium
Modulprüfung AÖK 6 + NABI : Conservation Biology
Modulprüfung B4/AÖKE

2. Fachsemester

Nummer Veranstaltung Status
71270010 AÖK6/NABI/M13.2 Conservation Biology
71300010 Current developments in Environmental Chemistry
71310010 Biogeochemical Interfaces
71310020 Enviromental Processes at Biogeochemical Interfaces (Laborübung)
71360010 AÖK1a/AÖK1b/M13.4/M13.6 Indicator Organisms: Spiders
71360010 AÖK1/M13.4 Indicator Organisms: Digitale Ornithologie
71400010 AÖK4a/ETX7a/M13.2 Molecular Ecology
71400020 AÖK4b/ETX7b/M13.6 Phylogenetic and Population genetic analysis
71490020 SÖU2b Current developments in environmental policy and law
71510020 SÖU4b Environmental Management II

3. Fachsemester

Nummer Veranstaltung Status
71120020 Chemisches Praktikum für Umweltwissenschaftler
71280030 MOD3a Data Science Tools
71280040 MOD3b Advanced Problems in Data Science
71370010 AÖK2/BAS2 Community Ecology - Aquatische und terrestrische Ökologie
71370010 AÖK2 Community Ecology
71410010 AÖK5 Molecular Ecology II - Populationsgenetik (2-Wochen-Block)
7150020 SÖU3a Environmental Life Cycle Assessment
71610010 ETX8a/MOD2 Exposure Modelling
71610020 ETX8b/MOD2 Effect Modelling
71999003 ETX2b Terrestrial Ecotoxicology - Principles of Ecotoxicology
71999007 SÖU5a Economic valuation and cost-benefit analysis
71999008 SÖU5b Special topics in environmental CBA
7888888888 SÖU3b Project Seminar Environmental LCA
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