Kommentar |
This course lays the groundwork in terms of what in German is called Didaktik (= what is taught?) and Methodik (= how is something taught?). The following areas are touched upon: learning psychology / the neurobiology of learning, the three building blocks of the English language (lexis, pronunciation, grammar), the four cardinal skills (speaking, listening, writing and reading), learning theories, lesson planning, primary and early secondary English, and error/mistake management.
The OLAT access code will be available on enrolment.
Please check your university e-mail account regularly for updates. |
Literatur |
A course reader containing the assignments is to be purchased at Format - Der Kopierladen, 11 Trappengasse, Landau.
Cottrell, Stella. The Study Skills Handbook. 5th ed. Macmillan, 2019.