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The seminar will take place in presence. I will send you a seminar plan via e-mail beforehand. Material is provided via OLAT, you will get access information in the first session.
As the seminar has 1 SWS, meetings will not be weekly but on these dates:
- Tuesday 29.10.2024, 7.00-7.45 pm in C I 108: Introduction right after the introduction for the lecture "Societal transformation".
- Thursday 07.11.2024, 12.15-1.45 pm in RK 011: Workshop preparation
- Thursday 05.12.2024, 12.15-1.45 pm in RK 011: Workshop preparation
- Tuesday 15.01.2025, 6.15-7.45 pm in C I 108: Workshop preparation (slot of the lecture "Societal transformation" which does not take place in that week)
- Saturday 25.01.2025, 10 am-4 pm in C III 240: Workshop application
In the first sessions, we read and discuss recent research on the effects of envisioning a sustainable future on people's hope, efficacy beliefs and engagement for a socio-ecological transformation. Based on this, we design a workshop concept in which participants develop their own future visions of a transformed society. This workshop will then be tested in practice with participants of the lecture "Societal Transformation" who are not part of this seminar (i.e., students in the M.Sc. ENCHURE). This workshop is expected to take place in a block session on Saturday 25.01.2025 from 10 am to 4 pm. |